Zero Balancing Testimonials

Comments about Zero Balancing from National Press:

"I felt weightless, balanced. If I did not know better I would swear I was floating" Daily Telegraph

"It sounds rather dramatic, but on finishing the session I have never laid so comfortably in my own skin as on that day" Vogue

"Other techniques which work deep in the body can be hard, quite painful, but this is slow and gentle. You relax into it. You feel mentally and physically safe. Yet it is deep, you can feel the pressure going down to the bone" Daily Mail (Jane Alexander)

Example Cases:

Sometimes changes are dramatic, for example, a client with several old shoulder injuries from falling off horses was waiting for an operation to allow her to lift her arm. After the first session she was able to lift her arm freely and with a handful more sessions, came off the waiting list for an operation.

Sometimes changes are more subtle. One client visited me on a monthly basis during a particularly stressful contract at work just to nip in the bud the pressures on her turning into chronic stress symptoms. She could end each month with a reminder how her relaxed self felt, and this ensured things didn't get on top of her.

Sometimes surprise benefits happen such as the former firefighter who came to deal with anger problems. His anger subsided completely and he was surprised that as a result he felt happier than he had felt in years - he looked it too!

Sometimes you are more able to help yourself as with a friend who suffered chronic back pain. With just three sessions her back eased, and she became aware of how her posture caused the pain. At the slightest twinge, she is now able to relax and adjust her posture and stop it happening!

 Comments about Cathy's treatments from individual clients:

"Feeling ab-fab and so in my skin post #zerobalance session with @CathyTowers. Thanx a mill! X" on Twitter

After having my treatment with Cathy Towers I walked out of the treatment room and I cried with relief. Cathy has made my life so pain free. I can walk longer and I can sleep at night with no pain.” Caretaker (male)

"I have had intermittent neck and back ache for many years, time between episodes of pain and discomfort became shorter without realising I had reached a point when I could not recall a time when sitting, standing or walking was not a chore. I judged activities on how much discomfort they would cause.

"Zero Balancing was a treatment for my existing difficulties, but more importantly for me it was also a method of teaching me how my body feels when I am accurately 'aligned'. I became aware of physical signals which were communicating the need for me to correct my posture and alignment. This has become second nature to me now". Nurse (female)

“I haven’t felt so relaxed in a long time. I feel happier too and less aggressiveRetired Firefighter (male)

My energy definitely improved and was stronger after. I also noticed that my pelvis, neck and back were much looser and easier tooTherapist (female)

"It is like I have had a massage and a hug at the same time" Housing Worker (female)

All Zero Balancing appointments with Cathy Towers are usually held at

Exeter Mind and Body Clinic in central Exeter

Visits to workplace by arrangement.